Minggu, 28 Juni 2015

Miss Beauty Doll 2015: 'THE NATIONAL COSTUME'

Miss Beauty Doll 2015: 'THE NATIONAL COSTUME' Fav 
This National Costume who became my Fav Miss Beauty Doll in 2015.

Angola | Bahamas | Costa Rica 
Ecuador | Egypt | Greece

Indonesia | Japan | Kosovo 
Laos | Myanmar | Philippines

Puerto Rico | Russia | Thailand
Trinidad Tobago | USA | Venezuela 

Kamis, 18 Juni 2015

Most Stylish Celeb Instagrams

                    Most Stylish Celeb Instagrams

Chanel Iman Is All About Cutouts

 #1   Chanel Iman 

Izabel Goulart Has Amazing Hair
#2      Izabel Goulart

Bar Refaeli Goes Backless

#3          Bar Refaeli

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley Models a Ripped Suit
#4.  Rosie Huntington-Whiteley 

Joan Smalls Looks Daytime Flawless
#5.  Joan Smalls 

Photo Credit  : (Instagrams) 

The royal family attends the annual Trooping the Colour celebration in London

Trooping The Colour 2015

Prince George Attends the Trooping of the Colour for the First Time

The royal family watches the annual Trooping the Colour event from the balcony at Buckingham Palace on June 13, 2015.                                     Source: Gf/Bauergriffin.Com)

Asia's Next Top Model S3 Gani On The Cover Harper's BAZAAR Singapore July 2015

Asia's Next Top Model S3 winner Gani heats up the July 2015 Asian issue in Dolce & Gabbana bodysuit and some serious Bulgari blings. 
Photography: Gan
Stylist: Kenneth Goh
Hair: Ken Hong
Makeup: Nigel Stanis Laus

Source by   Harper's BAZAAR, Singapore

Rabu, 17 Juni 2015

Senin, 15 Juni 2015

Asia's Next Top Model Cycle 3 : Finals // Predictions

Asia's Next Top Model Cycle 3 : Finals  // Predictions  By Harwita Blog 

      Philippines                                     Indonesia                                 Singapore
    Monika Sta Maria                           Ayu Gani                        Aimee Rose Cheng

Winners  : Monika Sta. Maria ~  Philippines 

1st  RU   :  Ayu Gani 


Senin, 08 Juni 2015

14 Penghambat Penurunan Berat Badan

14 Penghambat Penurunan Berat Badan

Rasanya sudah bersusah payah menurunkan berat badan, tapi kok gak turun-turun? Jangan-jangan penurunan berat Anda terhambat? Berikut 14 penghambat penurunan berat badan:
14 Penghambat Penurunan Berat Badan Femina

1.    Usus yang kotor.
2.    Salah memilih jenis makanan.
3.    Kebiasaan makan yang buruk, tidak mengunyah hingga halus.
4.    Terlalu banyak makan makanan berlemak.
5.    Ketidakseimbangan insulin (disebabkan oleh terlalu banyak karbohidrat dari gula).
6.    Kekurangan enzim. 
7.    Kurang berolahraga.
8.    Fungsi pencernaan yang buruk. 
9.    Ketidakseimbangan vitamin dan mineral.
10.    Ada parasit dan cacing yang menyebabkan seseorang menjadi rakus. 
11.    Jadwal makan yang tidak teratur.
12.    Fungsi metabolisme yang buruk.
13.    Fungsi hati yang lamban. 
14.    Ginjal yang lemah.

10 Kebiasaan Salah Menurunkan Berat Badan

10 Kebiasaan Salah Menurunkan Berat Badan

1. Banyak mengonsumsi makanan asin Bukan hanya makanan berlemak dan makanan manis yang perlu Anda kurangi, makanan yang banyak mengandung garam juga  perlu diredam. Selain bisa mengakibatkan hipertensi, terlalu banyak garam di dalam tubuh membuat cairan tubuh tertahan. Akibatnya, berat badan Anda tidak turun-turun. 

2. Terlalu Ngotot
Hormon kortisol yang keluar saat stres akan merangsang nasfu makan, memperlambat metabolisme, dan meningkatkan penumpukan lemak di perut. Relaksasi, seperti mendengarkan musik, tertawa bareng teman-teman, beryoga, pijat, atau jalan-jalan di alam terbuka, dapat mereduksi stres. Lakukan salah satu aktivitas ini minimal 10 –15 menit setiap hari. 

3. Sering begadang 
Sebuah penelitian di AS menyatakan, kurang tidur akan meningkatkan hormon rasa lapar dan menurunkan hormon rasa kenyang. Studi yang lain menambahkan, orang yang tidurnya kurang dari 4 jam sehari punya peluang menderita obesitas 73% lebih tinggi dibandingkan orang yang tidur 7-9 jam per hari. 

4. Makan tidak di meja makanMakan sambil menonton teve, membaca buku, atau mengetik di komputer membuat Anda tak dapat menikmati makanan. Akhirnya, Anda mudah tergoda untuk mengais sesuatu yang nikmat dikunyah. Kalori yang masuk dalam tubuh pun akhirnya sulit dikendalikan. Agar makanan bisa dinikmati, usahakanlah selalu makan di meja makan.  

5. Kurang gerakSambil bekerja, Anda pun bisa sedikit berolahraga, misalnya dengan melakukan peregangan kaki dan tangan. Silang-silangkan atau ayun-ayunkan kaki dan tangan sambil duduk di kursi 2-5 menit setiap selang satu jam. Aktivitas ini mampu memberi tambahan pembakaran energi ketimbang Anda hanya duduk rapi di kursi. 

6. Masih minum alkohol Alkohol memperlambat proses metabolisme tubuh dengan menekan sistem saraf pusat. Alkohol juga dapat meningkatkan kortisol, hormon stres yang membantu penumpukan lemak di perut. 

7. Menghindari susu

Wanita yang mengonsumsi yoghurt bebas lemak, keju, atau susu rendah lemak 3-4 kali sehari mampu mengusir 70% lemak dari tubuhnya. Kalsium dari susu berperan sebagai tombol yang memerintahkan tubuh membakar kelebihan lemak. Minumlah segelas susu bebas lemak saat sarapan, segelas yoghurt rendah lemak di siang hari, dan segelas susu bebas lemak di sore hari.    

8. Libur berdiet

Pengalaman membuktikan, orang yang sukses menurunkan berat badan adalah orang yang disiplin menjalani program. Meski ada pesta makan enak, mereka tak tergoda untuk mengatakan, ”Tak apalah sehari ini makan enak. Besok mulai diet lagi.” Sekali Anda memberi kesempatan, akan sulit untuk kembali berdiet.

9. Icip-icip plus
Tak dipungkiri, saat melihat orang menikmati cheesecake atau puding bersimbah saus cokelat, air liur Anda menetes. Daripada penasaran dan terus-terusan mengkhayal, boleh, kok, Anda juga mencicipinya, asalkan berbagi dengan orang lain. Anda cukup mencicip satu gigitan kecil saja, supaya rasa penasaran terbayar. 

10. Panik, panik, panik!  

Setelah program dijalani lebih dari setengah jalan, hal biasa bila penurunan berat badan mulai melambat atau malah jalan di tempat. Melakukan latihan yang sama setiap hari akan membuat tubuh beradaptasi sehingga pembakaran lemak juga menjadi lebih lambat. Bila selama ini Anda hanya berjalan kaki, hari berikutnya cobalah berenang, selanjutnya naik sepeda, kemudian sit up atau push up, agar kalori kembali mudah dibakar.   

LInks : http://www.femina.co.id/diet/tips/10.kebiasaan.salah.menurunkan.berat.badan/003/002/47

Asia's Next Top Model Cycle 3 : Episode 11: Top Model Throwback

It was revealed that Amanda was eliminated over Barbara. Monika, Aimee, and even Georgina got emotional with Amanda’s elimination.
  • Eliminated: Amanda Chan
After the elimination, Monika said that Amanda was one of the girls that made her happy. Barbara said that Amanda doesn’t deserve to be in the competition while Gani said that Barbara feels upset and confused because she doesn’t have a first call–out.
The girls headed to a cruise trip. They did rock climbing and were welcomed with a special dinner. During the trip, Monika and Aimee had a jogging session while Gani and Barbara are sleeping. Gani wishes that she and Barbara could be in the top three. Barbara felt that it would be weird if she, Monika and Aimee would be in the top three hence that she doesn’t talk too much to them.
After their trip, Monika observed that they were not going to the model house but instead to a different location.
The top 4 together with Georgina and Joey will have a one–on–one session but before which, they looked back some of the moments during the competition. Barbara said that she felt like being a “teenager” during week 1. Aimee said that the fun part in the competition was when they baked Celine’s cake. Georgina asked if who was the loudest in the house and they said KB while Barbara and Gani added Monika and Tahlia, respectively, to the list of the loudest girls. Georgina mentioned that Kiana made an impact to the girls and Monika addressed that she is an interesting person in the house. Monika made mention about the spa session at the model house during the time Gani and Barbara went to a spa house.
Aimee was the first one to have a one – on – one chat together with Joey. Aimee said that the most challenging photo shoot was the K–Pop photo shoot in week 2. They also talked about her makeover changing her perspective in herself. Asked if what her opinion is regarding that she needs to lose weight, she said that it makes her sad. She also said that she will not change just to please everybody, will not make her go down, and shall help her in the competition.
The girls talked about Tahlia. Barbara told that living with her is interesting while Gani said that she cheers up everyone.
Gani had the one–on–one session together with Georgina. Gani told that she was connected with everyone except Monika because she doesn’t want to make friends and much more focused with the competition, and her being irritating and being a different person behind the camera. They also talked about the conflict that aroused during week 7. After which, they talked about her doubts on herself being in the competition, Rani being her inspiration to win the competition, and her first call – out in week 6 being her highest point. Georgina also addressed the topic of her being better in prints rather than commercials. They then moved to the issue of Gani being bullied because of her looks and wanting to be an ambassador for bullied children. Asked if the haters and bashers would go away if she will make it to the top, she said that if she will win this competition, the bashers will see what she achieved.
The girls talked about their favorite challenges. Barbara told that it was the hula – hoop challenge during week 7. Aimee said that the flash mob challenge, particularly the choreography lessons during week 2 was fun. Gani expressed that the make – up challenge during week 4 was not fun for her. After which, Georgina asked the girls to say a girl’s name for every question that she asked. Asked when who works out every time in the house, they answered Monika. Asked when who dreaded working out, Aimee and Monika answered Amanda.
Monika was joined by Georgina for her session. They first talked about Monika’s competitive nature and Monika addressing that her competitiveness was to reach the top and not to put other girls down. She also took note of the girls talking behind her back. She then said that she wasn’t lying about anything and not a fake person, addressing it to Gani. They then talked about Monika’s struggles and said that she struggled most in the Zalora photo shoot during week 6. Georgina then move to a positive side of her having four first call – outs, the most in any girls in this season. Asked if given the chance to pick out of the three girls if who will win the competition, surprisingly, she answered Gani hence that she is perfect for the international runways, her bone structure, and how she could take amazing photographs. She also sees Gani as her biggest competitor and believes that she could go far in the industry.
The girls talked about the men who appeared in this season. Georgina saw Barbara blushing when Joey talked about Bruno Pucci who made an appearance in week 9.
The last girl to have a session is Barbara together with Joey. The first talked about Barbara’s confidence in the competition. She admitted that her confidence went down when she saw the photo from the Zalora photo shoot during week 6 telling that it was terrible and questioned herself if she was a model. Barbara also addressed her having the most experience in all the girls and seeing Amanda, having two first call – outs and have never modeled before, makes her feel bad. Also, she feels scared of being at the bottom and girls being better and stronger than her which happened in the bikini photo shoot in week 1 when she was the runner-up for best photo and in week 6 when she was ready going home and giving her slot to Monika. Barbara told to Joey that her friends, Gani and Tahlia, are a big influence for her to change. She then said that working with Jez Smith was amazing because he was a good photographer and wants to take more pictures even though he got the best photo.
Georgina and Joey then said to the girls that they are happy for them to be in the top four and they need show and prove to them that their slot is worth it.
  • Special guest: Ken Jones

Asia's Next Top Model cycle 3 : Episode 10: The Girl in the Driver's Seat

After Tahlia's elimination, Gani and Barbara can't stop crying. Gani stated that she really misses Tahlia, Melissa and KB. They became more emotional after reading Tahlia's letter.
For their challenge, the girls headed to the Port of Singapore where they were greeted by Ken Jones, the cruise director, where they need to find Alex and Joey in the Savoy theater in the Mariner of the Seas cruise ship for their catwalk challenge. When the girls found the theater, Joey said that if they were in the top 4, they would be cruising in that boat, courtesy of Royal Caribbean Cruises. Alex and Joey immediately explained that the mechanics of the challenge was to change into three looks, one minute each look, and to model each of the looks through a catwalk. Aimee was immediately called up first wherein she wasn't able to mentally prepare herself yet. She excelled in all of her looks however she wasn't able to properly zip the top of her third look but still did a great job in covering it up. Next was Gani, in her first look she had a little wardrobe malfunction. Overall, Alex and Joey thought all her walks were the same and were a little too safe. When it was Amanda's turn, her first and last walk was okay but when it was the second, she didn't finished changing her clothes. Monika's first and second walks were excellent however she was confused by her third look and wasn't able to finish changing her clothes. Barbara did a great job in modeling all three of the looks with a few seconds to spare in changing into each look. In the end, Alex and Joey was impressed with Aimee the most, making it her second challenge win. Gani said Barbara was more deserving to win the challenge than Aimee.
  • Challenge winner: Aimee Bradshaw
Aimee's prize for winning the challenge was a mentoring session with Indonesian pastry chef, model, and celebrity Farah Quinn. They had tea together, with Farah giving her advice about how she can succeed in the competition.
In the photo shoot day, they will be doing a motion editorial for the Subaru Forester with Peter Wery as their director. Aimee was given the role of a businesswoman. She was the only girl to have lines. Overall, she did a great job in being confident and in embodying her lifestyle. Gani had to portray the role of an architect. Alex thought that she wasn’t focused enough and was a bit difficult to direct. Barbara, who portrayed as a baker, and Amanda, who portrayed as a tennis coach, both also struggled in their shoot. Monika, who did yoga in real life, did well in portraying a yoga master.

At panel, Gani, Barbara and Amanda were heavily castigated for their performance being deemed as too safe. Aimee was praised for looking confident and for portraying her role very well. Monika was praised as well for her confidence and versatility in her shoot. In the end, Monika received her fourth best photo, followed by Aimee and Gani. Amanda and Barbara landed in the bottom two for opposite reasons. Amanda for standing out in the competition and winning two best photos, but lacking in experience and consistency. Barbara on the other hand, had the most experience but was too safe and didn't stand out. The episode ended with a cliffhanger scene, and the call-out was resumed next episode.
  • First call-out: Monika Sta. Maria
  • Bottom two: Amanda Chan & Barbara Katsuki
  • Featured director: Peter Wery
  • Special guests: Ken Jones, Farah Quinn, Glenn Tan

Pageant Daily : Miss Universe 2023

 Miss Universe 2023 : My Favorites Argentina , Australia, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Germany, Hon...